From 19 till 23 of June 2024
We invite you to embark on a metamorphosic journey
that will connect you with the power of un-used source
that almost nobody uses,
the power of the unique nature of Iceland,
the power of the unique depths of your heart,
and the limitless potential of your mind.

Hornstrandir is a magical area in the West fjords of Iceland.
Nobody has lived there since 1954.
Circumstances were extremely hard and it took special and resilient ordinary people to survive.
Nowadays it is recognised as Conservation Area where stillness prevails.
In summer the exquisite energy of this area can be explored from the historic renovated and comfortable lodgest here...
Would you allow Hornstrandir to
experience more of your greatnes?

What you can expect:

During our retreat, you'll have the opportunity to:
Dive into the realms of Quantum Intelligence and unlock your hidden potential and enjoy the enormous usefulness of QI.
Harness the energy of your heart and explore its transformative power.
Go deeper in your meditation than you have imagined.
Discover who is your best friend.
This retreat is designed for those

Inspirerend Leiderschap
Coaching en consulting voor leiders en ondernemers met een missie
Exciting Travel Ahead
We take a ferry from Bolungarvik,West fjords, to our destination Fljotavik early morning Wednesday June the 19th 2024. The same ferry will take us back Sunday June 23rd 2023.
To get to Bolungarvik from the capital Reykjavik you either drive there – about 6-7 hours or take a flight for 45 min.
The flight takes you to the next town to Bolungarvik which is Ísafjordur. From there it´s just a short ride with in a taxi to Bolungarvik'
An investment in your personal

- Early bird ticket till 15/03/2024: 1995 euro (Excl. VAT)
Normal ticket: 2495 euro (excl VAT) till 01/05/2024 - To secure your spot in this tremendous, unique and transformative retreat we ask a first payment of 700 euros is with your booking. Cancellations after 01/04/2024 are not reimbursed.
- This includes the ferry, stay in a lodge, food and tuition.
Transport to Reykjavik, Bolungarvik by car or flight and stayover at hotels on the way are not included
The Facilitators

Aegir Ingoffson
Aegir Rafn Ingolfsson is a yoga teacher who graduated from Dental School at the University of Iceland 1982 with a DMD degree.
He graduated from the Dental School of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA 1992 as a endodontist. Aegir is certified 500 hrs Yoga Teacher From Kripalu, Mass., USA 2002.
He is a certified Yoga Nidra meditating teacher 2009 from iRest, California USA. Richard Miller. Since more then 30 years he has been on the path of personal growth and devellopment.

Stijn Staes
Stijn Staes has a PhD Medical Management, Tropical Medicine and Education. Graduate from Leuven University in 1996.
Stijn has a 25 – year career in several mangement positions all over the world when working with Doctors without Borders in Africa and Asia.
He was General Manager of the biggest Youth Instution in Belgium and spent over 10 years in various places as HR-manager. Since 5 years he started his own coaching business on leadership development and personal growth for (mainly male) CEO‘s and managers.
Four days with seven splendid men in Hornstrandir. No phone, no electricity, no hot water, only pure nature. A beautiful retrait guided by a warm-hearted man, Aegir was waiting for me. He has the enormous talent and gift of asking the right questions at the perfect moment. He makes you reflect on yourself in a way that transforms you forever.
John from Iceland
During this retreat I deepend my meditationskills and went to places where I hadn’t been before. The outcome is that I have a proper view on where to go and how I want to do that. I enjoyed the combination of input, practice and personal reflexion. Stijn and Aegir combinee different styles both have their own character and vieuwpoints and makes this retreat very powerfull. The scenery of Iceland is just amazing. The moments of noble silence were of great value.
Jan from Belgium
Hornstrandir Men’s retreat is a well-composed program that suits anyone interested and courageous to look for ways to improve their lives. A variety of concise exercises done in a group, guided by the facilitator's determination and professionalism were excellent. Aegir and Stijn have unique knacks for yoga niches – deep calm voice calms the mind and increases well-being. Thank you for having me.
H. H. from Iceland
Together with these seven magnificent men, Aegir creates an energy that will last for many years to come. I definitely recommend going on a once-in-a-lifetime experience with the facilitator. Thank you very much brother for this beautiful gift. It changed me in a very positive way. May God bless you.
Patrick from Iceland
What have I gotten out of this amazing trip to Hornsrandir? I have learned very much about myself and will definitely use what I have learned for myself and the people around me to enrich the life organization of every day, mine and theirs. The facilitator's guidance were an amazing journey and what they gave of themself was absolutely amazing. I'll never forget it. J B S from Belgium.
JBS from Belgium
Excellent course/tour structure.
The instructors took us through various aspects to improve mental strength, got the whole group involved. Asked a question that was a challenge to answer. But all done with the aim that the person could improve and find the answers for better well-being and a better life. Timetable followed and good organization every day.
A lot of trust and friendship developed. Thank you so much for helping the group to go outside the box. That way I got an incredible amount out of the course.
Thierry from Belgium
I did not know what to expect. But these 5 days have given me so much to think about! I have learned a lot and I know this is just the beginning of an amazing journey. Stijn and Aegir are great teachers and Hornstrandir is an absolutely fantastic place for this retreat. I can see the future in a different and better way now! Thank you.
Bruno from Belgium
Gaan stappen met Stijn is een inspirerende ervaring. TIjdens een ontspannen de wandeling weet Stijn je te prikkelen met de juiste vragen. Deze persoonlijke coaching stemt je tot nadenken over je acties in situaties waar je het verschil kan maken.

Hans De Cuyper
CEO Ageas
Stijn geeft me als coach fakkels mee die mijn pad verlichten. Daardoor kan ik doordachtere keuzes maken en sta ik steviger wanneer er de frisse bries een wervelwind wordt. Hij kan zeer vaardig een combinatie maken van verschillende coachingstechnieken (ervaringsgericht, vragend, rollenspel, advies...). Die variatie heb ik zelf ook nodig om breed en diep te kunnen leren. Op enkele maanden tijd merk ik een wezenlijk verschil

Jan Royackers
Directeur Schoolmakers
Stijn heeft me door zijn kritische, maar niet oordelende vragen doen inzien dat dit wel degelijk het pad was dat ik wou bewandelen. Hij maakte me ook duidelijk dat al die twijfels slechts randvoorwaarden zijn. Dankzij zijn professionele begeleiding vond ik op al die vragen een passend antwoord. Stijn was de geknipte persoon en heeft me op zijn rustige en vertrouwde manier geholpen om zelf de keuzes te maken die ik wou maken

Kristof Herbiet
Zaakvoerder Faja Lobi
During my walk with Stijn, I realized more than before that I could profit from broadening the way I interact with other people. I remain essentially a very rational person and although I was aware that there are emotional aspects to consider when working with people, I rarely consciously acted accordingly, which is something I try change now. It has been remarkable how Stijn, during just one walk, has helped me in this respect.

Antonio Cano
COO Ageas
Heel leerrijk en puur. Dankbaar voor de nieuwe inzichten en om Stijn als fijne mens te leren kennen!

Sofie Mons
Founder van 't Fundament
De ruimte en de stilte van de natuur gekoppeld aan de empathische communicatiestijl en wijsheid van Stijn deden mij tot inzichten komen over mijn persoonlijke en professionele situatie.

Hannes Malfait
CEO Sterk
Stappen met Stijn is echt leren kijken naar jezelf en de wereld en onderzoeken wat jij met de wereld doet en andersom. Soms moeilijk, soms confronterend, maar wel to the point. Heerlijk zijn de momenten waarop je puzzelstukken kunt samen leggen en het helder wordt! Wat ik bovendien apprecieer, is de open hartelijke sfeer, zonder druk, maar toch voldoende ambitieus. Stappen met Stijn is bergbeklimmen, zweten, afzien, ... maar wat een uitzicht!

Sabine Gauquie
Diensthoofd Gerechtelijke Politie
Stijn bracht me dichter bij mezelf en leerde me echt luisteren naar mijn wensen en persoonlijke drijfveer. Ik kon op een heel fijne en ongedwongen manier voelen dat ik echt de stap naar zelfstandige wilde zetten en op deze manier mijn twee passies zou kunnen combineren. Wat Stijn zijn manier van werken extra bijzonder maakt, is dat hij je na het hebben van deze inzichten verder ondersteunt.
Hij bekijkt waar je valkuilen zitten en waar je kracht in zit. Dan laat hij je nog niet los. Hij blijft ervoor zorgen dat je op de juiste energie blijft stromen om je doel te bereiken. Zonder deze begeleiding en gesprekken was ik zelf nooit tot deze inzichten gekomen en had ik het lef niet gehad ook daadwerkelijk de stappen te zetten. Ondertussen gaat binnen enkele weken mijn eigen Barbiers zaak open en staat mijn reservatie boek al behoorlijk vol!
Dank je wel Stijn!

Tineke Caels
Actrice en barbier
Ik stond met verstomming geslagen van de kracht ervan en de helderheid. Meteen voelde ik dan ook wat mijn toekomstig pad was. Een aanrader voor iedereen die voor een keuzeproces staat om dit eens al wandelend aan te pakken!

Stephan Marchant
Adviseur en bezieler Move2Create